Thursday, April 30, 2009


Is this the day for which God created this beautiful Earth? Every where i see, i see human killing other human.I need not go very far, just look at Srilanka, mass human killing, and the reason? simple, just they want Tamil's in their country. Its been so many years , i don't even remember that Mr. Prabhakaran is fighting for the rights of the Tamils in Srilanka, i don't find him doing any thing wrong in asking for the rights, its only the way he has choosed is wrong.......Had the Srilankan government given equal opportunity to every body irrespective of their nationalities, there would have been no Prabhakaran, no LTTE, no mass human murder.

That was not it and just i see towards Pakistan, Aeriel bombing to swipe out Taliban's from their hideouts, don't know how many Taliban's are killed but innocent people are suffering in this act of the Pakistani government. If Pakistan was strict from the beginning against terror and terrorist, i am sure, the present situation would not have been there.

I thank God that i am an Indian, which is secular and every one is heard if not soon little late, its only in India that every religion enjoys equal right, every one enjoys the power of selecting their own leader. Forgetting what ever happened in the past, like all those Hindu Muslim riots,because now people started realising, that fighting for religion will not fetch happy life, its only good education, respect for each other, working together, is the only way to become a super power. I would write that every country should learn from India the way different people from different religion lives here as neighbours and help each other in need.


swathi's said...

hmm..well its all about politics...why are the core persons saved each time and the civilians killed? no answer for anything!

Adi said...

yes i m really happy that i was born in india. despite all its poverty and underdevelopment, it is only india where people from all castes, religion and linguistics are able to live together. and that's not only the books. there is sufficient proof of that. just look at so many reservations for the SCs and STs. also see so many reservations for the muslim community. even in a muslim country of Pakistan, not all muslim communities feel that safe.