After a long time some one came up with sponsoring other games apart from cricket. I appreciate Sahara's initiative to promote the Boxers and the Wrestlers, this will encourage more boys and girls to think beyond books.
Already India has established its fame with A R Rehman best music, best Song, Rasul Pakkuty's best sound mixing, We Indians are not behind any thing name it and Indians are there with an innovative idea, its only that we lack motivation, there are self motivated people, but most of us needs encouragement and motivation, so i request all the capitalist to please motivate the best talent of this country to be the super power in every field that exist.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I don't think i am upset, because i am 26 years old and still dint get the Mr. Perfect with whom i can spend the rest of my life, but yes sometimes when i see my other peers and buddy's holding their life partners hand and walk around, i miss a male partner beside me, on whose shoulders i can put my head and shed tears when i am sad and hang around on weekends , share all joys and sorrows for the rest of the life. I am still awaiting for a Mr. Perfect.........
I was discussing this with one my childhood class mates, Ajay.....he feels that i am upset about it but i don't think so.I got every thing late in life, but i got better than what others achieved, so i am sure my Mr. perfect is busy at his own work like me and God has certainly planned for the day when both of us will meet. Ajay said "Arpita i feel u are upset about not having a male partner, i will tell you something, girls are like flowers on a tree, the best ones at the top and better ones in the middle and the worst ones lying on the ground or about to fall, so guys goes and pick up those flowers who are easily accessible and admire the flowers on the top of the tree from the ground, because they fear to reach them as they may fall and hurt themselves, but the flowers at the top, feels as they have some problem because all fallen and rotten flowers get the guys not the flowers at the top, So my dear friend you are one of those flowers on the top of the tree."..........
I am really flattered with those words, i never got such heart touching compliment from any guy till date. Where were you Ajay all these days, had i known you before i would have recognised my qualities as one of those best girls, no one told me before you that i am one of those flowers on the top of the tree.
I was discussing this with one my childhood class mates, Ajay.....he feels that i am upset about it but i don't think so.I got every thing late in life, but i got better than what others achieved, so i am sure my Mr. perfect is busy at his own work like me and God has certainly planned for the day when both of us will meet. Ajay said "Arpita i feel u are upset about not having a male partner, i will tell you something, girls are like flowers on a tree, the best ones at the top and better ones in the middle and the worst ones lying on the ground or about to fall, so guys goes and pick up those flowers who are easily accessible and admire the flowers on the top of the tree from the ground, because they fear to reach them as they may fall and hurt themselves, but the flowers at the top, feels as they have some problem because all fallen and rotten flowers get the guys not the flowers at the top, So my dear friend you are one of those flowers on the top of the tree."..........
I am really flattered with those words, i never got such heart touching compliment from any guy till date. Where were you Ajay all these days, had i known you before i would have recognised my qualities as one of those best girls, no one told me before you that i am one of those flowers on the top of the tree.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Poem
सपने मैं देखती नहीं, हकीकत पर जिंदा हूँ,
सपने मैं दिखाती नहीं, क्यूंकि उनका टूटना महसूस करती हूँ.
अनजान रास्तों पर चलती नहीं, खो जान इसे मैं डरती हूँ,
अनजान रास्तों को चुनने से दूसरों को मैं रोकती हूँ.
खुद को दूर रखती हूँ,महफिल में अकेली रहती हूँ,
कोई दोस्त बनके भुला ना दे इस बात से मैं डरती हूँ.
बगीचे से फूलों को मैं चुनती हूँ, उनके पल में murjhane के दर से, उन्हें सिर्फ निहारती हूँ.
दोस्तों की तृष्णा मिटाती हूँ, तृष्णा मिट ते ही चले जायेंगे,इस बात पर खुद से खफा रहती हूँ.
सपने मैं दिखाती नहीं, क्यूंकि उनका टूटना महसूस करती हूँ.
अनजान रास्तों पर चलती नहीं, खो जान इसे मैं डरती हूँ,
अनजान रास्तों को चुनने से दूसरों को मैं रोकती हूँ.
खुद को दूर रखती हूँ,महफिल में अकेली रहती हूँ,
कोई दोस्त बनके भुला ना दे इस बात से मैं डरती हूँ.
बगीचे से फूलों को मैं चुनती हूँ, उनके पल में murjhane के दर से, उन्हें सिर्फ निहारती हूँ.
दोस्तों की तृष्णा मिटाती हूँ, तृष्णा मिट ते ही चले जायेंगे,इस बात पर खुद से खफा रहती हूँ.
Friday, February 20, 2009
My Dream came true
Today when i was returning from my office after the night shift, saw small school children with eyes drooping carrying heavy bag of books, i thought of my school days. As a child i always dreamt of a school which would open in the evening teachers will come to class in the midnight, a play ground full of lights, and by the end of the day ( i mean end of the night) day breaks and i am back to home. I never like getting up early in the morning, i still hate it, i am a typical nocturnal.
School days passed without any change in the schedule, i went for B.Sc to a Missionary Women's college which was worst than a school, when i realised that i enjoyed much more as a school student than as a college teenager, the real fun was my "UNIVERSITY DAYS", though the official timing was 10.00 am, but it runs according to your own decisions, no one would question you if you are not attending the classes, the break was for 1 hr, that's official ,it can be extended if you want to, go for part time job or go for any other course. Life was real fun in "ANDHRA UNIVERSITY" Campus.
My dream of not getting up early did come true, it turned out to be real when i joined the BPO sector, now life is going the way i wanted, no early to bed early to rise concept.
School days passed without any change in the schedule, i went for B.Sc to a Missionary Women's college which was worst than a school, when i realised that i enjoyed much more as a school student than as a college teenager, the real fun was my "UNIVERSITY DAYS", though the official timing was 10.00 am, but it runs according to your own decisions, no one would question you if you are not attending the classes, the break was for 1 hr, that's official ,it can be extended if you want to, go for part time job or go for any other course. Life was real fun in "ANDHRA UNIVERSITY" Campus.
My dream of not getting up early did come true, it turned out to be real when i joined the BPO sector, now life is going the way i wanted, no early to bed early to rise concept.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Finally Pakistan had to bow in front of the Talibans, i really recommend the government of pakistan to wear Borkhas like women and sit at home helping their respective wives, daughter and mothers. I do agree to what Mr. Pranab Mukherjee said to media, Taliban is a terroist organisation and Pakistan should fight against them, its an organisation that is threat to the whole world, now that it has got the Pakistan Govt's partial support, they will acess the authority of the Nuclear wepons that Pakistan has and.....................God save the world.
I pity on the future of Pakistan where education will be denied to women, more young's will be encouraged to be a Jihadi. Pakistan will be looked upon as a country that supports terroist and terror.............
Time is not yet over, i request the Pakistani Govt to cooperate with the whole world and instead of sheltering the Talibans and other terroists, hand them over to the international community.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friendship, a beautiful gift.
As a child i always hated to have friends, because i was always cheated, by one or the other. I was approached only when i was needed, it could be for any reason, it could be for a book, homework, to play with my toys etc. when i wanted the same from the same person i was never helped. That was not the end, i was even disturbed at my scheduled work, for eg. i missed my homework, there are many stories that i would not write down in open page. Finally i thought i will never be a good friend to any one, neither i will allow any body to be my friend. Gradually i completed my Graduation and went to Andhra university, for my, where i found a similar girl like me. Swathi was also a like me, helped others with every means and resource that she had, but when it was her turn to get something from others, people went back.
Now me ans Swathi are very good friends, in fact best friends, i know she always wants my good future. i finally found a friend who asks less but gives more, she never disturbs me at my work, we seldom talk, we meet once in a year, share our goods and bads, both of us are busy at our respective careers. I realise that priority changes with time so i never complaint why she is not calling me, or why she asks to call me later (when she is busy).
This is called a true friend ship where both the friends realise the importance of each others career, though the friend is not prior any more, still they talk over weekends, though they are apart for jobs, still they miss each other, they wish on each others Birthday, and the most important is they don't expect from each other rather they want the friend to get the best in life.
One of the best gifts that i got in my life from God is my very true friend SWATHI.
Now me ans Swathi are very good friends, in fact best friends, i know she always wants my good future. i finally found a friend who asks less but gives more, she never disturbs me at my work, we seldom talk, we meet once in a year, share our goods and bads, both of us are busy at our respective careers. I realise that priority changes with time so i never complaint why she is not calling me, or why she asks to call me later (when she is busy).
This is called a true friend ship where both the friends realise the importance of each others career, though the friend is not prior any more, still they talk over weekends, though they are apart for jobs, still they miss each other, they wish on each others Birthday, and the most important is they don't expect from each other rather they want the friend to get the best in life.
One of the best gifts that i got in my life from God is my very true friend SWATHI.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
All the Jihadis of the world, what are you upto? don't you have any thing else to do? don't you feel like living in peace? don't you feel like going to college studying different subjects? bringing name for your parents? i am sure u don't like to live like normal human being, u like to see others in pain, you get satisfaction seeing streams of blood, women becoming widow, and children becoming orphan.
I am very sure Jihadis don't have a human heart.........else they would have used their brain to love every human being, they don't fear the supreme power, they use their intelligence to discover and invent new new forms to create terror. Just today i heard of "FOREST FIRE" as the new form of JIHAd. Australia is already in the grip of this new form of terror.
Do these Jihadis think that they will get JANNAT if they do inhuman things? impossible, i am very sure no holy books teaches or asks to kill other living creature to get heaven.
I am very sure Jihadis don't have a human heart.........else they would have used their brain to love every human being, they don't fear the supreme power, they use their intelligence to discover and invent new new forms to create terror. Just today i heard of "FOREST FIRE" as the new form of JIHAd. Australia is already in the grip of this new form of terror.
Do these Jihadis think that they will get JANNAT if they do inhuman things? impossible, i am very sure no holy books teaches or asks to kill other living creature to get heaven.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Be Impartial
The IPL virus has again gained the potential, its the season for the fever to spread again, look at the budget of the IPL project, millions of dollars for the players.When the whole world is in the grip of economic crisis, for them money is like blooming on trees just raise the hand and pluck thousands of dollars.
Why does it happens only with cricketers? what did the hockey players, football players, tennis players and badminton players do? are they not working hard to get name and fame for the country? why don't the government give equal respect name and fame to these players, or at least motivate them? Its some times our fault too.... we never even bother to watch any match apart from cricket.
I appreciate the Australian govt. where there is equal respect for all kind of sports, they have a national institution of sports where players are trained to face the international players in their respective field of interest, the players are respected as an Engineer from IIT in India.
I really dream of a day when the international community will think twice to send their players to face Indian players in what ever game it is.
Why does it happens only with cricketers? what did the hockey players, football players, tennis players and badminton players do? are they not working hard to get name and fame for the country? why don't the government give equal respect name and fame to these players, or at least motivate them? Its some times our fault too.... we never even bother to watch any match apart from cricket.
I appreciate the Australian govt. where there is equal respect for all kind of sports, they have a national institution of sports where players are trained to face the international players in their respective field of interest, the players are respected as an Engineer from IIT in India.
I really dream of a day when the international community will think twice to send their players to face Indian players in what ever game it is.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Show Your Bravery on Criminals, not on children.
I just gained faith and respect for the police dept employee, irrespective of the hierarchy after the bravery that they displayed in the 26/11 terrorist attack, but with yesterdays news where i saw a police beating a small girl who just reaches his knees, the faith again fell down. They say that they are assigned for the safety of the citizens, if that is so why there are Bomb blast happening? why rapes happen? why eve tease happen? why small children are beaten openly? why do murders happen? I should say that instead of raising hand on some one whom they know are weak, they should use their power to stop big big crimes, that spoil the society.
If a police really want to show he is brave and can face life threatening danger, please go and stop the big big crimes from happening, instead of showing it on children.
If a police really want to show he is brave and can face life threatening danger, please go and stop the big big crimes from happening, instead of showing it on children.
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