I Respect these parents….
I met many parents , among all of them I really respect three , I found a common thing among these parents, “do and die for their children” for these mom’s and dad’s their children is their world, no matter what ever they have to sacrifice, what ever they do is just to see the smiling face of their children.
I see parents sacrificing many things for their daughters and son’s, I respect and appreciate them for that, but then nothing is great in that, every parents does that, did they do any thing out of the box to see the child happy?
I know three parents who really do things out of the box to bring smile on the child’s face. First in the list is mr and mrs Kashyap, they are my class mates parents, the family is a Haryanvi brahman, for them caste really matters, but just for their son’s happiness and will, they agreed to make a telugu girl as their daughter in law, going against all social stigma, for them more than family and caste was their son’s smiling face, they find a happy world when the son is happy.now Kapil and Dipthi are happy couple and they love their respective inlaws very much.
Second is my best friends parents, she is very very ambitious girl and is least bothered about what others will think about not getting married yet. On the other side her parents lives in an orthodox society where more than career,marriage is important, people still believes that marriage is a great achievement, but then her parents are with Swathi and supports her dreams. In any public gathereing I am sure people do ask her parents about why she is not marrying, but then they are happy with their daughter decission because there is where she is happy.
Third is my parents, i am 26 years old and right age to marry, but then for me, existence of love is very important before marriage, so I asked time from them and there is no dead line, I want to love a man, miss his absence, only then I would marry him, because I just cant live with some one whom I don’t love. People in indian society are soooooo orthodox that they don’t understand the fact that a girl can also have dreams. Few of my very close friends said that “love automatically happens after marriage ,in arranged marriage” I think that becomes an obligation to love some one because you don’t have any other option, and I don’t respect this love, infact its not love. I know all my parents friends says in their absence, that they are living on their daughters money, but who will tell them that its my choice to wait for the right person. My parents love to see me happy, they want me to live my life the way I want it, so they damn care for what others say…..
I bow thousands times in front of these parents for whom smile on the childs face is world to them. I pity on those children whose parents think of the society first and then take decission, if society is soo important for them then they had no rights to become parents. I really wish every son and daugher are blessed with parents who least care for society.